
The consortium of NextGenRoadFuels will carry out the following activities

Developing innovative strategies for collecting and pre-treating urban residues, building on existing logistics infrastructure while providing a higher added value through HTL processing.

Studying different combinations of pre-treatment, HTL processing and upgrading, as well as their integration.

Evaluating the environmental and sustainability impacts of the of the process proposed in the project.

Applying a full risk management strategy by considering all aspects (technology, economic, business, etc.) to achieve project objectives and ensure future implementation.

Setting up an integrated approach along the value chain, both at lab-scale and pilot-scale, to allow in-depth understanding and optimization of process parameters in a holistic approach.

Carrying out process simulations and associated techno-economic assessments to define future industrial-scale implementation for an increased biofuels production capacity.

Defining and assessing efficient business strategies for the successful implementation and replication of the developed value chains at European and global level.

Promoting knowledge-sharing on HTL pathway and for producing renewable fuels amongst all relevant stakeholders, media and citizens.